A complete overhaul to the warfare system!

Crusader Wars combines Crusader Kings 3 with Total War Attila, giving you the ability to fight your battles! But that’s not all: every aspect of CK3 warfare and military will have an effect on the battlefield and your armies. Mixing these two incredible games makes you have a very immersive experience, letting you decide the outcome of the battles with your tactical prowess.

Current features

Realistic levies!

Levies are not just a simple rabble,
but a mix of lower social class peasants instead!

See the armies evolve through time!

Watch the time pass and see your armies evolve
according to the time period you are in!

Characters matter!

The commanders and knights are present
and their skills have an impact on the battlefield.
Be careful with them, even death translates to CK3.

“The Fallen Eagle” compatible!

We have three unit mappers that cover
4th and 6th Century units.

Seasonal weathers!

Depending on the time of the year,
the weather on the battlefield will change.

Terrain is important!

You will feel the advantages
and disavantages of each terrain type.

Prepare the defenses!

Entrench your terrain with defensive deployables,
the amount and quality of them depends on
the army size and commander skills.

Historical maps!

Fight on Stonehenge, Pyramids of
Giza, Hadrian Wall’s.

Accurate battle results!

Every Attila casuality is translated
extremely accurate to Crusader Kings.

“Lotr: Realms in Exile” compatible!

An unit mapper for “The Dawnless Days” mod
from a fantastic submodder.

Train your accolades!

Your accolades have an important

role on the battlefield!

Future features

Multicultural armies!

Every regiment has their place of origin
and you will see their cultural differences on battles.
This also affect allies armies.
(Currently being developed)

Choose your traits wisely!

Each commander trait from CK3 has
an impact on the battlefield.
(Currently being developed)


Compatibility with CK3 mod
“A Game of Thrones”.
(Currently being developed)

Upgrade your Men-at-Arms!

Every men-at-arms modifier
will affect their units XP.

Siege a castle!

Build siege equipement and
prepare your forces to storm a castle.
(Currently being developed)

Pillage cities!

A simple cinematic battle
for your raiding army to
pillage villages/cities.

And more…

We want to add even more features
but first we need to test to see if they are possible. These include,
ship to land battles, levies compostion based on buildings,
and more.

Join our community! We respond fast on discord!

Please read this very carefully to avoid simple errors!


Instalation Guide:
(Steam Version)

  1. Download CW Launcher
  2. Subcribe to CW on the Steam Workshop
  3. Start CW Launcher and go to Settings
  4. Set both games .exe paths
  5. Enable the desired Unit Mappers
  6. Close settings and run Crusader Wars by clicking on the sword icon

Instalation Guide:
(Non-Steam Version)

  1. Download CW Launcher
  2. Go to CW Launcher folder and open a folder callled “CK3 Mod”.
  3. Follow the instructions in there.
  4. Start CW Launcher and go to Settings
  5. Set both games .exe paths
  6. Enable the desired Unit Mappers
  7. Close settings and run Crusader Wars by clicking on the sword icon

Crusader Wars “Quality of Life”
v0.9.11.4 (Pre-Beta)


Only works on Windows!

How to play battles:

  1. Start a battle
  2. Wait some days until the sword icon is enabled
  3. Click the sword icon
  4. CK3 will close and the Attila launcher will open up
  5. Enable the correct mods for the loaded Unit Mapper
  6. Enable CrusaderWars.pack above every mod (it gets created after your first battle)
  7. Go where Historical Battles are supposed to be and fight your battle!
  8. After you click “End Battle”, CK3 will open with the battle results!


  • Disable Ironman and debug mode, or it will not work!
  • Never enable MK1212 scripts modpack, it will grey out the Crusader Wars battle button.
  • Delete “CrusaderWars_Battle” save game from time to time, it will improve loading speeds.
  • You can enable and disable Unit Mappers without closing CK3 or the CW Launcher.
  • CrusaderWars.pack is remade every battle, you just need to enable it once.

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